Dragons, Fire & Miracles

Dragons, Fire & Miracles

Context is everything.   The attitude and underlying beliefs with which we approach projects or circumstances determine the outcome far more than any specific words we say or actions we take.  When we put on green glasses, the world looks green.  Red glasses turn it red.  Whether you succeed in your business development efforts (or any other goals you may have) will depend largely on the lens through which you are viewing the situation. Consider this example.  The other day, I was talking with a client about her business development plan, and she was terribly uninspired.  Sometimes, we can focus on the activities that inspire us, but sometimes we just need to buckle down and take the actions that we would normally avoid like the plague.  In this particular case, 

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Turkish Riot, Humor & Business Development

Turkish Riot, Humor & Business Development

Turkish Riot is an online video game in which the goal is to send as many tweets as possible before the police beat you up. It was created last summer, presumably as a lark, to mock the role of police violence in the Gezi political protests in Turkey. I’m not usually a fan of video games, but as someone living in the middle of Istanbul at the time, I thought it was hysterically funny. I’ve never made it past 17 tweets. Maybe you will do better. You can try it here:

Tear gas, water cannons, rubber bullets and political intimidation take their toll on everyone, but the Gezi protesters did an amazing job of using humor to stay energized and motivated.

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Relentless Positivity: Friend or Foe?

Have you noticed that some “positive” people seem smarmy, condescending and basically you just want to punch them? Meanwhile, others are magnetic and just being around them makes you feel more joyful, connected and alive. Small children are almost always in this category. This article is my two cents on relentlessly positive attitudes and what people don’t tell you about the law of attraction. I often meet people who say things like, “it’s important to always be positive because then you attract good things into your life.” This worries me. I get the value of being positive AND there is something insidious about the “always.”

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