Our Iceberg is Melting: A Book About Organizational Change

Our Iceberg is Melting by John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber

The title is not just a metaphor.  This is actually a picture book about penguins who are dealing with a crisis.  It is also a parable about organizational change written by one of the foremost experts on the subject at the Harvard Business School.  The story explores the process by which crises come to the attention of leadership, the different types of personalities that are needed for a leadership team to implement large-scale change, how to get the whole organization on board with a change, etc.  This book emphasizes the role of communication, addresses the emotional issues which arise in the face of change, and provides a low-threat tool to initiate discussions and normalize the experiences that often attend organizational change.  Some businesses have even given a copy of this book to all employees to encourage them to consider their relationship to change and how their talents can best contribute.  Have fun with this!